Today was my first day back to work and I survived! I kind of feel like it wasn't a "real" day - lots of sorting through emails and getting updates. An awesome coworker even brought dinner for me to take home for John and I. We are seriously lucky with all of the amazing people in our lives!
I do think it's going to be a challenge to keep up pumping at work, but I'm determined to make it work - especially when I think of how much Lincoln's special formula would cost otherwise! Frugalness is a great motivator.
Today also involved a check-in with the pediatrician. We were hoping for 11.5 pounds and were awfully close at 11 pounds 4 ounces! The doctor was thrilled with Lincoln's growth. He's still small, falling into about the 10th percentile for both length and weight, but he's growing at the same rate as a "normal" baby. And Lincoln's head circumference falls into the 75th percentile. We'll have to wait to find out for sure, but we're pretty sure that means he's a genious.
We also talked to the pediatrician about Lincoln's eating schedule. Like I've said, Lincoln is on NG feeds from 8pm to 8am. When the feeds aren't going he eats 3.5-4 ounces per bottle. When the feeds are going he eats less often, but is hungry around 10pm, 5am and 8am. Each of these bottles are only 1-1.5 ounces. The pediatrician believes (and John and I have been thinking the same thing) that those 10pm, 5am and 8am bottles would be bigger if the feeds weren't going. So he told us to start the weaning process! The goal is for Lincoln to prove that he can eat (and not throw up) just as many ounces without the NG feeds as with, and this will be the first step. We're going to check in with the liver doctor to make sure there isn't something we're not thinking of, but assuming we get the ok we'll start turning the feeds off at 5am instead of 8am and see if the 8am bottle makes up for the 3 lost hours of NG feed. We really hope it does, wish us luck!
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