We got the official ok from the liver doctor to cut back on Lincoln's NG feeds! We're going to start by cutting 3 hours, so we'll be down to 9 hours on the feeding pump. We'll start it 1.5 hours later and turn it off 1.5 hours sooner. If he does well then next week when we see the liver doctor maybe we'll talk about cutting another 3 hours. The liver doctor has told us in the past that he'd like it to be a slow process. It's a fine line of weaning him when he's starting to show signs of being ready, but not going so fast that we throw off his growth.
Today was the first day we shut off the pump at 6:30am instead of 8am, and we had great results! What we usually see is that Lincoln will wake up around 5am, eat 1-1.5 ounces, then wake up again at 8am and eat another 1-1.5 ounces. Today he had his normal bottle at 5am, but ate 3 ounces at 8am. Great job Lincoln! To make up for the NG hours we cut he has to eat an extra 2.5 ounces over the day and he's already eaten an extra 1.5. It's only the first day, but I'm thrilled!
We also had a kidney ultrasound today. We don't meet with the urologist to talk about it until Monday, but I think his left kidney is still an issue. I'm no expert, but even I could see the difference between his left and right on the screen. So we'll see what the urologist has to say and take it from there.
Great news Melanie! Thanks so much for keeping us posted. Hugs and lots of love. Essie